Unmanned Aerial Systems


The Transportable Ground Station (TGS) integrates mission management, command control and real-time sensory imagery in a compact transportable package.

Optimum Solutions new transportable Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) ground station has been designed to provide UAS operators with the flexibility to operate from temporary locations with the features normally reserved for complicated fixed ground stations.

The Transportable Ground Station (TGS) integrates mission management, command control and real-time sensory imagery in a compact transportable package.

The TGS series hosts primary, secondary (optional) as well as satellite communications links for Piccolo family of autopilots from Cloud Cap Technology (CCT).The system runs Piccolo Command Center (PCC) or third party user interface applications, and provides the manual piloting link. The unit is capable of managing multiple airborne systems; it also provides differential GPS corrections to the piccolo avionics.

Multiple video displays allow the user to monitor aircraft performance, real time mission progress, and sensor imagery at the same time. The built-in digital video recorder captures data for later analysis. The ground station is fully integarted with Vislink (http://www.vislinklaw.com/) analog and/or digital video reciever and it may be configured with command, control and video downlinks in a variety of frequency bands to meet specific operating conditions.

A more detailed brochure can be donwloaded here

The TGS has been fully integrated with integral joystick which can easily be customized to operate a variety of payload sensors including CCT?s TASE and TASE Duo series.


  • High Performance Transportable UAS Ground Station.
  • Dual Screen Computing.
  • Includes mission management system, command & control link, and payload video link.
  • Multiple Video displays for mission management, GIS, video downlink.
  • Integral Sensor Control Joystick
  • Multiple Frequency band options.
  • Built-in Digital Video Recorder.
  • Supports Vislink analog and digital video transmiters.
  • Rugged Packaging.
  • AC or DC Powered.