In today’s competitive world, designs must take into consideration the capacity of the part to sustain the prescribe loads, with cost effective designs in mind. The utilization of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) early in the design stage can help predict stress concentrations in critical areas that may fail, identify the mode of failure, and determine the proper stiffness needed for a prescribed displacement criteria.
benefits of static analysis
reducing the overall cost
This information can then be used to redesign the part, reducing development time, increasing quality, and reducing the overall cost of the design The following are some of the many benefits that static analysis can provide:
- Reduce product cost due to reduction of material
- Reduce weight
- Reduce number of prototypes.
- Reduce number of replacement or repair once the part is in the field.
- Improve quality.
- Reduce large deflections (Increase Stiffness)
- Increase fatigue life.