unified formulation


Optimum Solutions uses an unified formulation to accurately incorporate aeroelastic effects on the flight dynamic behavior of the whole UAV.

Optimum Solutions has the experience to perform detailed aeroelastic design and analysis.

Our capability include

ensure the correct structural dynamics of the system

  • Flutter.
  • Static Divergence.
  • Parametric flutter for multiple fuel and external store configurations.
  • Maneuver Loads.
  • Discrete Gust Loads.
  • Continuous Gust Loads.
  • Rigid and Flexible Aircraft Trim Loads.
  • Aeroservoelasticity.
For all of these analyses, Optimum Solutions can generate a high-fidelity dynamic structural finite element model (FEM) of the aircraft and perform correlation analysis to match the FEM to test data.The primare objective is to match all of primary modes shapes and natural frequencies to ensure the correct structural dynamics of the system.

For flutter and static divergence, Optimum Solutions engineers can execute all of the necessary steps to calculate flight envelope margin of safety to meet design requirements and verify the safety of the vehicle. Optimum Solutions has the capability to identify aeroelastic issues and provide all the design changes to fix the issues.

For aeroservoelasticity analysis, Optimum Solutions can model the closed-loop stability augmentation system (SAS) of the flight control system, including servo transfer function, gain schedules, and control surface mixing, in order to calculate the stability of the system. Optimum Solutions engineers can determine the gain and phase margins for the aeroservoelastic system to verify the safety of the air vehicle. If modal testing of the vehicle is needed to support the aeroelastic design and analysis, then our engineers plan, direct and perform ground vibration testing (GVT) to identify the modal parameters of the vehicle. The modal parameters include mode shapes, natural frequencies, and damping. To learn more about out GVT services please visit our GVT section.

Optimum Solutions uses an unified formulation to accurately incorporate aeroelastic effects on the flight dynamic behavior of the whole UAV. The technique uses a set of software tools that enable rapid and efficient design of a broad range of flight control systems.

They can be categorized according to their functionality and to the dynamic modes they tried to control as:

  • Stability Augmentation Systems (SAS):
    Roll, Pitch and Yaw Dampers.
  • Control Augmentation Systems (CAS)
    Roll and Pitch Rate as well as Normal Acceleration.
  • Autopilots
    Airspeed, Turn Rate, Climb Rate, Altitude Hold, Automatic Landing, and Tracker.
Open and Closed-loop simulations of the UAV?s aeroservoelastic response, are essential in the development of a dependable flight control systems. Generally, the flight control system is designed by accounting for the quasisteady stability of the vehicle by the use of a 6-DOF nonlinear simulations. On the other hand, ?flutter? models generally sacrifice accuracy of the quasisteady vehicle response in return for consideration of the structural dynamics. In this unique approach, the Rational Fractional Approximation setup is further extended by Optimum Solutions to allow the aeroelastician to properly deal with the actual flight dynamics equations of motion.